Fall City Community Association
FCCA committees and projects drive civic engagement for Fall City. Join or Donate to support our community!
Fall City Day & Fun Run
Neighbors Newsletter
Holiday Tree Lighting & Lights
Holiday Market
Road safety & Traffic Studies
Land Use & Sub-area Planning
Cherry tree lighting & maintenance
+ many more…
The Fall City Community Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, citizen powered organization serving the Fall City area. Our mission is to build community, facilitate communication and increase coordination on local issues and events. FCCA volunteers and committees donate their time and energy through a variety of initiatives ranging from infrastructure to holiday decorations.
100% Volunteer & Donation driven
Because Fall City is located in an unincorporated area (Fall City is actually not a city!) we do not have a municipality to manage things around town like paying for this website, having the grass under the cherry trees mowed, hanging the holiday lights or organizing community meetings. We are a 100% donation and membership driven organization - consider volunteering or donating if you love Fall City as much as we do! All donations are tax deductible and matched by many employeers.
Monthly FCCA Community Meeting - first Tuesdays of the month.
We welcome all members of the community to attend our monthly meetings. Agenda and topics are sent out prior to the meeting by subscribing to our email list at the bottom of this page. Yearly memberships are available (see below) for voting members and committee members. If you would like to learn more or propose an agenda item for a meeting, email FCCA President: ilovefallcity@gmail.com
Join us at the Fire Station on the first Tuesdays of the month, @ 7:00 PM.
See community calendar.

FCCA Membership
Joining the FCCA as a yearly member means you can vote on community initiatives, investments, and committees. Members receive a private Zoom link to the monthly meetings and are eligible to serve as board members. FCCA members are required to live or work within our membership area, but we offer a non-voting associate memberships to anyone.
If you are already a member use the “Login” link in the navigation, or click here, to sign into the member’s only area of the website to view meeting minutes and documents.
Download the FCCA Bylaws (PDF)
FCCA members receive private Zoom links for meetings, the ability to vote on community initiatives, and have access to resources and all community committees. Membership dues are
Annual Membership - $30
Annual Associate Membership - $20